There are approximately 10 new cases of meningitis per day in the UK, with meningitis B being responsible for around half of those infections. But it’s easily preventable by a simple course of vaccinations. Sadly, those vaccines are not available on the NHS at the present time (indeed, the current situation is fully covered on the Meningitis Now website).
In the past few days, we have heard reports of a couple of suspected cases of meningitis in the Cotswolds. Accordingly, we’ve had a flurry of requests to administer meningitis B vaccines which we’re happy to do. We’ll visit your home, school or nursery to achieve this. To date, we’ve immunised children in Stratford upon Avon, Cheltenham and Cirencester as well as numerous locations within the North Cotswolds.
Many of you will know that we’re staunch supporters of Meningitis Now at Concierge Medical Practice. Last autumn I trekked to the summit of the ‘English 3000s’ and raised over £1900 for the charity (For more details see the Cotswolds Gent website). More recently, I’ve been asked to help promote the same charity challenge to attract future participants. I’m delighted to be able to help.
Whether it be as a private doctor providing meningitis vaccines or as someone raising charity funds (or encouraging others to do likewise), I look forward to reducing the devastating effect this illness can have on individuals and families. Watch this space for more news………………