Our UKAS accredited Covid19 testing service has been established since June 2020 and is able to provide the following COVID19 tests for travel:
- PCR Fit to Fly
- PCR Day 2 Test (both PCR and Lateral Flow)
- PCR Day 8 Test
- PCR Test to Release
- Antigen/Lateral Flow tests
A PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test is engineered to seek genetic material (called RNA) of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The tests are done in a laboratory setting with specialised equipment and take a number of hours to process.
An Antigen or lateral flow test is a point of care test that is done at home, with the results available within 15 mins. The test looks for fragments of proteins on the surface of the virus called antigens, to detect whether the virus is present. We can supervise this test for travel, but it will need to be self-administered. The Practice uses the FlowFlex COVID-19 Non-Invasive Rapid Lateral Flow Antigen Test.
Types of COVID19 Travel Tests
Government regulations (in both the UK and other countries) have introduced legal requirements for COVID19 testing to enable travel. The travel testing requirements differ by country and are also different for vaccinated and unvaccinated travellers. The different types of tests are:
Fit to Fly (PCR or Antigen/Lateral Flow): some destination countries require a negative COVID19 swab for travel entry. The time requirements vary – some are 72 hrs before travel, some are 48 hrs. Please check the requirement for the country that you are travelling to and book your test at the earliest possible start of the time window. There are differences across countries regarding the age of children travelling who are required to take a test – some are 6 years, 11 years or 18 years or somewhere in between. Increasingly, a number of countries will accept an antigen/ lateral Flow test rather than a PCR test. The Fit to Fly test requirement is generally (but not always) waived for vaccinated travellers. Fit to Fly tests can be booked online or at the airport or we can provide them for you.
UK Entry COVID19 test: All unvaccinated travellers 18 years and over entering the UK are required to have a negative COVID19 test within 72 hrs of travel. This will need to be done in your country of departure and can be a PCR or antigen/lateral flow test. We can provide boxed antigen/lateral flow tests for you to take with you on your journey, for swabbing before your return.
PCR Day 2 & Day 8 Tests: All unvaccinated travellers returning to (or entering) the UK aged 18 years and over are required by law to quarantine for 10 days and undertake a day 2 and day 8 test. These must both by PCR tests. Day 0 is the day of arrival in the UK. Day 2 tests are done on or before day 2. Day 8 tests are done on or after day 8.
PCR Test to Release: Travellers who are not fully vaccinated have the option to be released early from mandatory 10 day quarantine by doing an additional test on day 5. If negative, they are released from quarantine, but must still do the day 8 test. It must be a PCR test.
Lateral Flow Day 2 Test: From 24th October 2021, all fully vaccinated travellers returning to (or entering) the UK aged 5 years and over are required by law to take a private COVID test within 2 days of arriving. This can be a PCR or antigen/lateral flow test. If the test result is positive, they will be required to do a NHS PCR test (which will be free). Day 0 is the day of arrival in the UK.
Unique travel codes are required for entry into the UK for all Day 2 tests. This code will be emailed to you upon booking your test. You will need the code for completing your Passenger Locator Form.
To qualify as fully vaccinated, you must have been fully vaccinated with a full course of an approved vaccine under either the UK or UK overseas vaccination programme or the United Nations vaccine programme for staff and volunteers or a UK accepted approved programme. You must have had a complete course of one of the following vaccines at least 14 days before you arrive in the UK: Oxford/AstraZeneca; Pfizer BioNTech; Moderna or Janssen.
How do I get the test to the Laboratory (PCR Tests Only) ?
Fit to Fly and Test to Release PCR Swabs
We recommend driving these to the laboratory as time is critical. We can arrange for a driver to pick the samples up and take them to the laboratory for you. If you choose this option, our driver would generally bring the swabs with him in the morning of the test day, wait until you have swabbed, then take the sample to the laboratory.
Day 2 and Day 8 Tests
Timeliness is less critical for day 2 and day 8 testing as the result will not impact your travel plans or quarantine time. We therefore recommend that you use the provided pre-paid envelope to post the samples to the laboratory. Please use a priority post box (find you nearest one at: https://www.royalmail.com/services-near-you#/. You are entitled to leave quarantine to post your test if there is no one else able to do this for you. Please take a record of the royal mail tracking number prior to posting in case there are any postal issues.
We would not generally arrange a driver for day 2 and day 8 tests unless there are specific circumstances where it is of value to you to do so.
How do I get my Results?
PCR Tests
Your results will be emailed to you as soon as they are available. For Fit to Fly and Test to Release tests, if you did the test early in the morning, then this is either late in the evening of the day you did your test or early the following morning. If you did the tests later in the day, it will be the following day.
For Day 2 and Day 8 tests, these will be processed within 24 hrs of arriving at the laboratory and results will be emailed to you.
If you are expecting results and you have not received them, please contact us on covid@conciergemedical.co.uk.
Lateral Flow/Antigen Tests
Complete the test and take a photo of the test cassette next to the test box with the code showing. Email the photo to covid@conciergemedical.co.uk, and you will be emailed your result letter by return.
How Much Do the Tests Cost?
Current test costs (from 1st August 2021) are as follows:
Package | Includes | Member’s Price |
PCR Test | For single PCR – Fit to Fly OR Day 2 test OR Day 5 test | £100 |
Antigen Test | Antigen/Rapid Flow test kit – self administered only – plus certificate. | £40 |
Day 2 & 8 | Day 2 & day 8 test | £150 |
We are only able to arrange non-member tests through current members (i.e. for visiting family and friends or travelling companions).
Our driver charges are based on the distance from pick up to the laboratory as follows:
ZONE | Distance from LE17 4LR | Cost |
Zone 1 | 0-30 miles | 35 |
Zone 2 | 30-60 miles | 55 |
Zone 3 | 60-80 miles | 65 |
If we arrange an external courier, we will recharge the courier cost. We will advise you of the quoted cost for approval prior to arranging.
Travel changes are sometimes inevitable. Contact us and we can help manage and change the testing if your travel plans change. We will contact you if you have booked tests with us, but the government rules have changed and this has impacted the tests you have booked
Data and Consent
It is a legal requirement for all private test providers of COVID testing to notify Public Health England of the results of all COVID tests. By completing the COVID test you are consenting to the test results being reported to Public Health England, along with your postcode and contact details. These details will be reported by the laboratory undertaking the test, or by Concierge Medical if the test was undertaken by us.
It is a legal requirement that all private providers of COVID19 testing in the UK self-declare to meet the minimum standards and are then accredited by UKAS(UK Accreditation Service). Concierge Medical has full UKAS accreditation.
Any Other Questions ?
If you have any questions or would like to order additional COVID tests for travel, please email us on: covid@conciergemedical.co.uk. If you are experiencing any COVID symptoms, please contact your doctor directly on 01451 600 766.
Information correct at the time of publishing. 22/10/2021
Concierge Medical, which was founded in 2013, is a private general practice providing continuity of care for its members across the Cotswolds and surrounding areas. The growing business offers accessibility to doctors through its personal home visiting doctor service and 24/7 telephone advice line with experienced GP’s. Providing an assured, reliable, and discreet service to its members in a rural landscape where often access to healthcare can be a challenge.
To find out more about Concierge Medical, enquire at sales@conciergemedical.co.uk, call 01451 600900 or go to www.conciergemedical.co.uk
#FitToFly #TestToTravel #CovidTest #PrivateGP #ConciergeMedical #PrivateDoctor