Published December 2023

As the cold and wet weather settles in, so have the seasonal illnesses. The private doctors at Concierge Medical want you to stay informed with a quick guide to the prevalent winter illnesses that are circulating around the Cotswolds and surrounding counties at this time of year. Our Doctors are here to help our members, so if you are concerned that you may be fighting off more than a cold please do pick up the phone and seek advice from our team, we are only too happy to help.

The 100 day cough

You may have heard about the 100 day cough? Also known as whooping cough, Pertussis has been making its presence felt in recent winters. Early symptoms usually appear seven to 10 days after infection and include a mild fever, runny nose, sore throat and a cough, which gradually develops into a hacking cough and then a whooping one. Severe coughing fits can last for several weeks. Pertussis is highly contagious. Infants and young children are particularly vulnerable, so it’s crucial for parents and caregivers to ensure that vaccinations are up-to-date. Adults can also benefit from booster shots to reduce the risk of transmission. If diagnosed within 3 weeks of infection, antibiotics are usually given to help speed up recovery.


Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lungs and tends to peak during the colder months. It can be caused by various viruses and bacteria, including the influenza virus. Common symptoms include persistent cough, chest pain, fever, and difficulty breathing. The elderly and individuals with compromised immune systems are at higher risk, so seeking prompt medical attention for respiratory symptoms is vital.

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)

RSV is a common respiratory virus that can lead to bronchiolitis or pneumonia, especially in infants and older adults. Its symptoms often mimic those of the common cold, making it challenging to differentiate. Frequent handwashing and avoiding close contact with sick individuals are effective preventive measures. Parents should be vigilant, and seeking medical attention for persistent respiratory symptoms in infants is crucial.


Many variants of flu circulate all year-round, along with other respiratory viruses, but flu tends to be more prevalent in the winter months. Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, and fatigue. The influenza vaccine is a key preventive measure, and individuals in high-risk groups, such as pregnant women and those with chronic medical conditions, should prioritize getting vaccinated.


We can’t forget COVID either, winter brings additional challenges as we have more indoor gatherings and close contact with elderly relatives, the risk of transmission of course rises and whilst most infections are now more mild, there are of course those that are more vulnerable than others. If you suspect you have Covid or any other respiratory illness its good practice to seek medical advice and keep away from the most vulnerable.

Concierge Medical emphasizes the importance of early detection and prevention. If you experience symptoms or have concerns about your health, please reach out. Helping everyone to stay healthy is a collective effort and especially important when you have lots of friends and family to visit. Practice good hygiene and seek medical advice promptly if you suspect any illness. Concierge Medical is here to support you on your journey to winter wellness.

#Concierge Medical #Private GP #Winterillness #TheCotswolds #Broadway #100daycough