The change in the seasons can affect our health, Autumn being a key one as children return to school and we spend more time indoors where germs are spread more easily.
Founded in 2013, Concierge Medical Practice, a national award-winning private General Practice, provides the best healthcare to individuals and families throughout Cotswolds. Here are 7 of the most common Autumn illnesses, how to treat them and advice on when to call the doctor.
- Common Cold
Common cold can affect anyone at any time, but Autumn is the peak time when children return to school, and we spend more time indoors together again and germs are more easily transmitted. It is a communicable illness and can last from a few days to a few weeks.
- Rest and sleep
- Drink plenty of water
- Keep warm
- Use decongestants for a blocked nose*
- Ease aches and fevers with painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. *
- Flu
The flu viruses are common in the autumn season. If left untreated, the illness can become severe and turn into bronchitis or pneumonia.
- Rest and sleep
- Drink plenty of water
- Keep warm
- Use decongestants for a blocked nose*
- Ease aches and fevers with painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen or over the counter flu remedies*
- If you get concerned or symptoms are prolonged contact your Concierge Medical doctor
- Sore Throat
You may feel scratchiness or pain in your throat during the cooler weather, which results in sore throat. Sore throat is also a symptom of allergies, common cold, and the flu.
- Gargle with warm salty water, (adults only)
- Drink plenty of water
- Eat cool, soft foods
- Avoid smoking
- Rest
- Ease discomfort with painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen*
- Medicated lozenges*
- If symptoms persist, contact your Concierge Medical doctor who may prescribe antibiotics if diagnosed as a bacterial infection.
- Norovirus
Norovirus causes significant vomiting and diarrhoea. It is extremely contagious. It can be transmitted from person to person, or via contaminated foods.
- Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration
- Take painkillers for any fever, aches, or pains*
- Get plenty of rest
- Use rehydration drinks
- Contact you Concierge Medical doctor if your baby or child has been ill for more than 24 hours or if your baby or child is not responsive, is feverish or has a pale or mottled skin.
- Contact your Concierge Doctor if your symptoms persist for more than 72 hours or worsen and cause you concern.
- Ear Infections
Ear infections are caused by an inflammation or virus in the middle ear and are more likely to occur in the Autumn than other seasons. They can also result from other illnesses such as allergies, cold, and the flu. Ear infections are more common in children. 75% of ear infections are viral and do not require antibiotics.
- Use painkillers to ease discomfort*
- Place a warm flannel on the ear
- Avoid getting water or shampoo in the ear
- Avoid putting anything in your ear such as finger or cotton bud
- Contact your doctor if:
- there is no improvement after 3 days.
- there is fluid coming out of the ear.
- there is a risk of complications.
- Acute Bronchitis
Acute bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchial tubes that carry air into the lungs. It is usually caused by a virus and often occurs after a common cold, sore throat, or the flu. The viruses or bacteria that cause acute bronchitis to flourish in the cold weather.
- Drink fluids avoid caffeine and alcohol
- Rest
- Take painkillers such as ibuprofen to reduce inflammation, ease pain and lower fever. *
- Increase humidity in your home with a humidifier
- Contact your Concierge Medical doctor if symptoms persist more than a week or if you start wheezing, you may need inhaled medicine.
- Contact your Concierge Medical doctor if:
- Your cough up blood, feel weak or have ongoing fever and are short of breath as you may have pneumonia.
- Sinusitis
Sinusitis is caused by the inflammation of the tissue that lines the sinuses, the cavities around the nasal passage. Sinusitis is more common in the cold weather, simply because the most common causes of sinusitis, i.e., the allergies, cold, and flu, are already prevalent at this time of the year. The cold weather worsens the pain associated with sinus headaches.
- Rest
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Taking painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen*
- Avoid triggers
- Don’t smoke
- Your Concierge Medical doctor may recommend other remedies if your symptoms persist:
- Steroid nasal spray or drops
- Antihistamines
- Antibiotics
*Check medication is suitable to your individual status, be aware of dosages.
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T: 01451 600900